Class Overview

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Last Updated: Wed Sep 11 7:42:36 PM

Topic Reading Slides Activities Assess
Introduction to the class Topic Overview
Help page
lec00a HW 0 Checklist "Quiz" In canvas
How to use the class tools lec00b
PROJECT Stage 1: Choosing your Research Data Project Stage 1 Data set proposal
Data Architecture
The uses and structure of data Topic Overview
PMA6 Ch 2
Tidy data principles
lec01 Collab notes HW01 Data Entry Quiz 01
Formulating Research Questions
Asking Answerable Questions Topic Overview
How to Write an Effective Research Question
Poster prep Stage 2
lec02 Collab Notes HW02 RQ Formulation
PROJECT Stage 2: Introduce your research question and variables of interest Project Stage 2
Preparing data for analysis
Reproducible workflows Topic Overview
PMA6 Ch 3
ASCN Ch 1, Appendix
Project Structure by Danielle Navarro
lec03a Hello, Quarto HW03 Data Management Quiz 02
Data cleaning lec03b
Describing distributions of data
Describing a single categorical variable Topic Overview
PMA6 Ch 4
ASCN Ch 2.3
lec04 HW04 Describing Distributions Quiz 03
Describing a single numeric variable
Describing relationships between two variables
Describing relationships between two variables Topic Overview
PMA6 Ch 4
IMS 1.2.4 Explantory and Response Variables
ASCN Ch 2.4
lec05a HW05 Describing Relationships Quiz 04
Best practices in Data Visualization PMA6 Ch 4.6 lec05b
PROJECT Stage 3: Exploratory Data Analysis Project Stage 3
Foundations for Inference
Study Design IMS - Chapter 2 Collab notes 6 HW06 Foundations for Inference [Quiz 05]()
Statistical Inference with randomization IMS Chapter 11-11.1 lec06a In class printed activity.
Statistical Inference with mathmatical models IMS - Chapter 13.1-13.3 lec06b CLT Explorer [Quiz 06]()
Modeling Bivariate relationships
Choosing appropriate analysis
Two Sample T-Test
Regression Modeling
Simple Linear Regression
Multiple Linear Regression
Model Building