Best practices in Data Visualization

Robin Donatello


Recap: Level of care depends on the audience

There are three main audiences in mind when creating data visualizations:

  1. For your eyes only (FYEO). These are quick and dirty plots, without annotation. Meant to be looked at once or twice.

  2. To share with others internally. These mostly need to stand on their own. Axes labels, titles, colors as needed, possibly captions.

  3. Professional - Contains all bells and whistles needed to make it publication quality.

Five qualities of great visualizations (Cairo)

  1. Truthful. Be honest with scaling and relationships.
  2. Functional. Does it accurately convey the correct information?
  3. Beautiful. Or at least aesthetically pleasing.
  4. Insightful. Does it reveal new information?
  5. Enlightening. Consequence of qualities 1-4


Graphing with intent

Along with having the audience in mind, it is important to give thought to the purpose of the chart.

The effectiveness of any visualization can be measured according to how well it fulfills the tasks it was designed for. (A. Cairo, 2018).

Manage your ink to information ratio

“Data-ink is the non-erasable core of the graphic. (Tufte, 83)”

Darkhorse Analytics demonstrates how “data looks better naked”

What to watch out for

  • Avoid complexity
  • Choose colors mindfully
  • Do not add extra dimensions
  • Be truthful with the scaling
  • Check publishing guidelines
  • Be consistent with selected themes
  • Do not over-interpret
  • Plotting with missing data


Not sure what type of graph to create?